Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My wonderful friend, Aniket Thakkar, is hosting a contest at Flash Fiction during the next few weeks, in honor of my forthcoming book, Plum Blossoms in Paris.  I'll be judging, and I hope that many of you will take part in the fun!   

Here are Aniket's contest guidelines:

- Register yourself and sign in, on the login panel in the right sidebar (if you’re new to the site)
- Write a story/poem in 1000 words or less, inspired by the image prompt, and post it in the dashboard available to you, once you’ve signed in.
I will choose two winners at the end of the competition, each of whom will receive a shiny new copy of Plum Blossoms In Paris.

- Contest deadline is July 20th, 2010.

You know, I'm only beginning to get a handle on the promotional leg of my publishing journey.  But with friends like this, I think it'll be a cinch.  Thank you, Aniket.  Your signed copy is on its way to India.  Along with my gratitude. 


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'll enter the contest. I'll definitely mention it on my blog. It might just help me break through this mental writing block I'm having.


Sarah Hina said...

I hope it does, Paul!

I can't wait to see what you'll enter. And thank you for the mention on your blog. :)

Aniket Thakkar said...

I can't wait to get my hands on the book. :)

I was so tempted to steal the whole box when I saw it in the earlier post. Looked more like a treasure chest. :P

You should put a copy in a 5 inch thick metal box and bury it deep in the ground. So that after the end of the world and rebirth of civilization, thousands of years later when they start digging for history. They'll find it and realize how epic the art of current century was!

Um, I didn't get too carried away, did I? :P

And thanks a lot Paul for spreading the word!

Precie said...

Congratulations on your book release!!! So exciting!

And I appreciate the FB friending--but I only friend people I know offline (i.e. have met in person). It's just one of my personal FB privacy issues. Sorry. But I wish you lots of luck with your writing, and I'll certainly spread the word. :)